Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Enjoying the Rebate Checks

Since it is almost halfway through the year I wanted to add up my rebate checks received since January and my total is...$114.57!!! I am also waiting for around $80.00 back in various rebates that are not included in this total.

This is the first full year I have been really searching for and participating in rebates. Most of the time I make a decent amount of money on the item because the rebate is on the price the store charges not the actual amount paid. In other words, the refund you will receive is the price before coupons or buy one get one free store sales or gift cards received back on a purchase at Target. I have found that the time it takes to fill out a rebate form is just minutes. Of course you have to factor in the cost of stamps for all of these rebates but it still ends up being a great way to save even more money in the long run.

I have a file folder system at my kitchen desk and put all receipts and forms in the folder as I shop and print rebate forms. Every week or so I try to fill them out and send them off. I make a dated copy of what I send off as a reminder and a record. When the check comes in the mail I throw the copy away and make a note of the check amount in the back of the file folder. It is a system that works for me!

Here is a great blog called My Brain is Inside Out by Queen. She seems to be the best with finding all of the rebates available around the blogosphere. Also you just have to keep a keen eye out while shopping. Look at all of the displays on the end caps and at the back of the stores and you might find some rebate forms. Recently I found a coupon packet on the Miller light beer stack at CVS and inside of it was a $10.00 rebate for a propane gas tank refill. Who doesn't need that in the middle of grilling out season?

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